100 Years of Sylvia Rexach
On Saturday January 22nd, 2022, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of one of the most legendary Puerto Rican composers of romantic music, Sylvia Rexach. She has been a huge inspiration to us and too so many, not only for her work as a composer but as a poet, comedian, and an avid leader of musicians' rights. Even though she only lived until her 39th year, the impact she left on the world was that of someone who had lived a hundred years. If you have not listened to Sylvia sing her own songs, please take the time. Put your headphones on and if you do not understand her lyrics it will not matter, you will hear and feel the brilliance through her music.
Look for the album "Sylvia Rexach Canta Sylvia Rexach" which features the great guitarist Tuti Umpierre; it's the only published recording of her voice. If you dare to start browsing you'll find out how many artists have covered her songs and dedicated albums to her name. When we released our album "Dedication to Sylvia Rexach" (Barbes, 2016) we knew that for many people it was the first time they'd heard of Sylvia. It was a great honor for us to bring some attention to her music and legacy. She was a woman who, in a male dominated environment, managed to break the rules and succeed not only in her endeavors (such as being a founding member of the Puertorican Society of Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music and founder of "Las Damiselas'', the first combo in Puerto Rico consisting entirely of women), but also in gaining the respect and admiration of her contemporaries.